Will Your Lifepo4 Battery Freeze This Winter? The Answer May Surprise You

Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, sometimes referred to as LFP batteries, are a kind of rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Because LFP batteries have advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries, they are becoming a desirable option for many applications.

Some key advantages of LFP batteries include:

High current ratingLFP batteries can provide high discharge currents, making them well-suited for applications requiring high power.

Long cycle lifeLFP batteries can be charged and discharged up to 2,000–3,000 times without losing 80% of their initial capacity. The lengthy cycle life reduces lifelong expenses.

Thermal and chemical stability – LFP batteries resist overcharging and overdischarging better and are less likely to have thermal runaway.

Enhanced safetyLFP batteries contain no toxic metals and will not burn violently if damaged, improving safety.

Wide operating temperaturesLFP batteries can operate in temperatures from -20°C to 60°C.

Low toxicityThe components of LFP batteries are much less toxic than those in conventional lithium-ion batteries.

LFP batteries offer a combination of advantages that make them popular choices for electric vehicles, power tools, solar storage, and other applications. Their performance in low temperatures is a key consideration for their suitability in some uses.

Will Your Lifepo4 Battery Freeze This Winter? The Answer May Surprise You

Low Temperature Performance

Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries are able to operate in cold temperatures quite well compared to some other lithium-ion battery chemistries. The discharged performance of LiFePO4 batteries is relatively strong even in freezing and sub-freezing conditions.

LiFePO4 batteries see only minimal loss of capacity down to -20°C/-4°F. The available energy output remains high, with around 80% of rated capacity accessible at -10°C/14°F. Performance starts to drop off more sharply under -20°C/-4°F, but LiFePO4 batteries retain a usable amount of capacity even below -30°C/-22°F.

This stable low temperature discharge performance makes LiFePO4 a good choice for devices that need to operate in frigid conditions, like emergency equipment, winter sports electronics, or vehicles used in extreme cold. LiFePO4 compares favorably to lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) and lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) chemistries, which show much steeper capacity drops as temperatures near freezing.

The one area where LiFePO4 batteries lag in cold weather operation is charging. Low temperatures slow down the electrochemical charging reactions, meaning much longer charge times are required. Charging below 0°C/32°F may be unsuccessful altogether depending on the charger and battery. However, slow charging is not usually an operational limitation as long as the batteries can still discharge enough power.

Freezing Point

The freezing point of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries is approximately -20°C (-4°F). This is the temperature at which the electrolyte inside the battery will begin to freeze and turn into solid ice crystals.

The electrolyte is the liquid medium inside the battery that allows ions to flow between the anode and cathode. These liquid solvents have freezing points around -20°C when used in lithium-ion batteries.

This essentially stops the electrochemical reactions that allow the battery to function and supply electricity. That’s why letting a LiFePO4 battery freeze will render it inoperable until it thaws.

It’s important to note that the electrolyte solution doesn’t freeze all at once. Freezing occurs gradually as the temperature drops below -20°C. So the battery may still be partially functional for a time before it completely freezes solid. But allowing it to remain frozen for an extended period will likely damage the cell.

Effect of Freezing on Battery

When a lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery freezes, the electrolyte inside the battery can crystallize and expand. This expansion inside the sealed battery casing can lead to physical damage of the internal components.

Specifically, freezing temperatures can cause the following effects inside a LiFePO4 battery:

The electrolyte (liquid charge carrier) turns into solid crystals when frozen. This expands in volume and can deform the electrodes.

This makes the battery incapable of charging or discharging when frozen.Ice crystals forming can puncture the thin separator between the anode and cathode.

Freezing can crack or warp the battery casing if there is sufficient expansion of internal components. This damage can expose the electrolyte to air or cause electrical shorts.

In extreme cases, freezing may cause complete fracture or delamination of the electrode sheets inside the battery. This will lead to permanent damage and battery failure.

So in summary, freezing temperatures pose a real risk of physical damage to LiFePO4 batteries that can permanently degrade performance and battery life over time. Taking steps to prevent batteries from freezing is highly recommended.

Permanent Damage?

Freezing temperatures can potentially cause permanent damage to LiFePO4 batteries. This expansion can rupture internal components like the separator and electrodes. Cracks and tears in these elements can prevent the battery from functioning properly afterward.

In addition, the chemical reactions that allow the battery to store and discharge energy can be hindered when frozen. Extreme cold may disrupt the crystalline structure of the cathode material. The anode surface area and ability to intercalate lithium ions can also decrease after freezing. These changes at the electrochemical level impair the battery’s capacity and cycling stability.

However, the extent of permanent damage depends on factors like how fully charged the battery was and the length of exposure to freezing temperatures. Partial state of charge and shorter freezing duration reduce the chances of irreversible damage. Research shows that lithium-ion batteries face more severe capacity loss the higher their charge level at the time of freezing.

So while freezing can potentially cause permanent damage, LiFePO4 batteries may still recover normal function if frozen only briefly or while not fully charged. Careful use and preventative steps will minimize any lasting impairment from freezing.

Recovery after Freezing

Many lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery users are understandably concerned about permanent damage from freezing temperatures. While allowing a LiFePO4 battery to freeze is never recommended, the good news is that in many cases, a frozen lithium battery can recover normal function after thawing out.

The key is to safely thaw out the frozen battery before attempting to charge or use it again. Here are some tips for reviving a frozen LiFePO4 battery:

Move the frozen battery to a warm indoor area and allow it to passively come up to room temperature. Do not attempt to rapidly heat or thaw the battery.

Once at room temperature, do not immediately charge or use the battery. Allow the battery to sit for several hours at room temperature first. This gives the internal components time to stabilize after freezing.

After sitting at room temperature, do a slow initial charge at no more than 0.1C (10% of the battery’s capacity).

If the initial charge is successful, the battery can then be charged normally at 1C. Again, monitor closely for abnormalities.

If charging proceeds smoothly, a full test and cycling of the battery will confirm if it has recovered completely from freezing. Compare performance metrics to baseline readings when the battery was new.

In some cases, there may be a minor loss of overall battery capacity after being frozen, but otherwise normal function is restored. The battery can still be used, with slightly reduced runtime.

With patience and proper thawing and charging methods, many lithium batteries can be revived after a freeze event. But freezing should always be avoided when possible through proper maintenance and storage.

Preventing Freeze Damage

Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries can be susceptible to freezing and permanent damage in extremely cold temperatures. While the freezing point is around -30°C (-22°F), it’s best to take precautions to prevent batteries from reaching these frigid temperatures. Here are some tips to avoid freezing LiFePO4 batteries:

Store batteries above freezingKeep batteries stored above 0°C (32°F) whenever possible. Even a few degrees below the freezing point can start to cause issues. Bring batteries inside or keep them in a heated space.

Insulate batteriesWrapping batteries in insulated covers or blankets can help retain heat. Make sure terminals are still accessible.

Use battery warmersThey make heating pads and other devices designed to keep batteries warm in cold environments. These help maintain an optimal temperature.

Keep batteries chargedFully charged LiFePO4 batteries are less prone to freezing than depleted ones. Try to keep charge levels above 50%.

Avoid extreme coldIf batteries will be exposed to extreme sub-zero temperatures, consider removing them altogether until conditions improve. The colder it gets, the higher the freeze risk.

Monitor voltageUse a voltmeter to check battery voltage and watch for significant drops, which can indicate freezing. Take action to warm batteries when needed.

Bring batteries insideThe easiest solution is to simply bring batteries inside or under shelter when temperatures drop too low outside. Even garages or sheds may be warm enough.

Taking preventative steps can help avoid the risk of permanent damage from freezingLiFePO4 batteries in cold weather conditions. Keep batteries insulated, charged, and warm for optimal performance and safety.

Heating Batteries

One method to prevent lithium batteries like LiFePO4 from freezing is to actively heat them. This maintains the battery temperature above the freezing point even when exposed to cold ambient temperatures.

There are a few ways to accomplish battery heating:

Use a battery warmer or heater designed for the specific battery type and voltage.

In a vehicle, utilize the existing climate control system to blow warm air over the battery compartment. This uses waste engine heat.

For off-grid solar batteries, a battery temperature regulator can turn on a heating pad, tape, or band when it senses cold temps.

In DIY projects, a thermostatically controlled electric heating pad could warm batteries. Power could come from the system’s solar charge controller.

The main caution is to avoid overheating lithium batteries, as high heat also degrades their lifespan. So any heating methods should cap the temperature at around room temperature or the manufacturer’s specified operating range.

With an actively controlled warming system, LiFePO4 and other lithium-ion batteries can be kept unfrozen without damage.

Alternatives in Cold Climates

For applications where lithium iron phosphate batteries may not perform optimally due to very cold temperatures, there are some alternative battery chemistries to consider.

Lead acid batteries can withstand lower temperatures than lithium iron phosphate, with the freezing point around -75°F (-60°C). However, lead acid has some downsides compared to lithium iron phosphate like shorter cycle life, additional maintenance needs, and lower energy density.

Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries also tend to outperform lithium-ion batteries in extreme cold. The electrolyte in NiMH batteries has a lower freezing point. NiMH has fallen out of favor for many applications due to the rapid improvements in li-ion technology, but for cold weather performance it remains a contender.

For the coldest environments, some turn to primary (non-rechargeable) lithium battery chemistries. There are also some emerging battery chemistries still in development that target improved low temperature operation. These include lithium titanium oxide (LTO), which can work down to -30°F (-34°C). And lithium sulfur (LiS) batteries also show promise for cold weather performance. These may become viable options down the road.

For now, lead acid and NiMH remain decent alternatives to lithium iron for applications where the temperature drops well below freezing. But improved low temperature lithium-ion batteries continue to emerge.


Lifepo4 batteries can withstand some freezing, but it’s best to avoid letting them freeze completely. The key points are:

The electrolyte in Lifepo4 batteries can freeze around -20°C/-4°F. Complete freezing causes permanent damage.

Allowing the battery voltage to drop below 2V can also permanently damage the cells.

Freezing causes the electrolyte to expand, potentially rupturing the battery seals.

Partial freezing may be reversible if warmed gently and recharged slowly. But capacity may be reduced.

To prevent freezing, store Lifepo4 batteries above freezing and maintain some charge. Heating pads or blankets can help.

In very cold climates, consider switching to chemistry less prone to freezing like lithium-ion. Or bring batteries indoors.

With proper care and precautions, Lifepo4 batteries can still perform well in cold weather. But allowing them to fully freeze should be avoided.

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